The Topic: More Money, Fewer Problems
The Dish: Congratulations—you’ve made it to the launch of VegNews’ latest blog! It’s called Savvy Abby (that’s me), and it’s all about living a comfortable, modern vegan lifestyle while saving a few dollar bills here and there. (That’s the savvy part, obviously.) With my current home base in San Francisco, my bargain-hunting focus can’t help but be drawn to city life and finding the best deals for my dollar, both in quality and price. Whether its dynamite Chinese food for less than the cost of a movie ticket or an outrageous sale on cruelty-free makeup, I always have one eye peeled for deals (which consequently can make it hard to get anything else done).
Is small-town life more your M.O.? I promise not to ignore country-based cries for dirt-cheap deals. Growing up in the Midwest, I’m all too familiar with the lack of veg-friendly restaurant options (unless you count French fries as a balanced meal), empty grocery aisles, and quizzical store-clerk looks when all you want is a freakin’ veggie burger. I feel your pain, Daiya-less counterparts. The good news is, not only am I looking out for you, but veg options are getting better everyday across the US. If at first it seems expensive, laborious, and straight-up boring to be vegan where you live, we’ll change that—me and you! And maybe a few coupons.
The Final Word: So now that I've sufficiently talked a big talk, we'll say goodbye for now. I'll be back with regular updates about living an affordable, awesome vegan lifestyle, and I hope you'll join me. Until next time, share your thoughts with fellow savvy shoppers: What part of your life needs the biggest cash-flow makeover?